Autism Society of Nebraska Needs Your Help
As we are sure you can tell by now, this project has an ambitious and urgent mission. We are working to keep our Nebraska autism community safe from COVID-19 during a time of excessive strain on our healthcare system. We are also seizing this moment to address the important topic of bridging communication gaps between individuals on the autism spectrum and healthcare professionals and provide strategies for optimizing mental health during this time.
The goals of the campaign are to:
- EMPOWER people to stay safe during this challenging time
- BUILD health-related self-advocacy skills among people on the autism spectrum
- BRIDGE communication gaps between Nebraskans on the autism spectrum and healthcare professionals during this crucial time.
Whether you are an individual on the autism spectrum, a caregiver, a family member, a healthcare professional, or just a concerned Nebraskan wishing to further this cause, YOU CAN HELP! Here is a list of ways…