An Open Letter to Healthcare Professionals

Video Still

Video Still from Stay Safe and Self Advocate campaign, (c) 2020, Autism Society of Nebraska.

THANK YOU for selflessly saving the lives of our loved ones, for caring for our friends in their final moments of life, for your daily, tireless, selfless service to our communities from Omaha to Scottsbluff, from Nebraska City to Chadron, from South Sioux City to McCook and every clinic, therapy office and emergency room in between.

Thank you for being there for us and our families and neighbors across Nebraska!

Autism Society of Nebraska believes that the tasks associated with bridging the communication gaps between healthcare professionals and people on the autism spectrum are not the sole responsibility of the patient, or the individual on the autism spectrum.

Earlier this month, ASN’s board of directors penned a letter to healthcare professionals about information that can help them during this demanding time.

The letter includes links to new documents created specifically for this project by an occupational therapist who is on the autism spectrum herself and an occupational therapist who studies interoception, which is sometimes called the “eighth sense,” or the sense that helps people identify what they are feeling within their own bodies.

Read the letter here: